Top 3 Tips for Effective Goal Setting

We can often feel a lot of pressure at the beginning of a new week, a new month, or a new year to take on more commitments, to launch new projects, or to do more than we did before. While setting goals and intentions can be a valuable practice, we remind you to do so in a way that allows you to stay connected with the needs of your mind, body and soul. Here are some things to consider for the next time you set your goals and intentions:

1. Inhale, exhale.

Before you start your goal-setting, ask yourself how each and every part of your body feels in this moment. Start from your toes and work your way up to the crown of your head: this will help you gain a sense of presence and awareness in your body.

2. Be honest and realistic.

Ask yourself: do I have the mental, emotional and physical capacity to take this on on my own, or will I need to ask for support? Establishing this in the beginning of your goal-setting can be a great way to set boundaries for yourself and for others.

3. Prioritize your peace.

What brings you peace and joy? How can you incorporate more of it into your routine? Setting professional goals can be powerful and motivating - but don't forget to equally acknowledge the personal side of goal-setting. Remember that a peaceful state of being is a more productive one, and that making time for yourself can actually help you create the space you need to check off tasks more effectively and efficiently.

As always at the House of A La Ligne, we remind you to take it day by day. Allow yourself space to give your body, mind and soul what it needs each and every day - whatever that may be.⠀

Taren Grewall