Journaling Prompts for Finding Ease


Calm a busy mind and find more ease in your day with these journaling prompts.

Before you begin, take a moment to ground yourself. Sit with your feet connected to the earth, and take a few long, slow, deep breaths.

1. What am I feeling right now?

First and foremost, check in with your body and your mind. What are you feeling? Where are you feeling it in your body?

2. Create a list of 5 things that make you feel uneasy.

Sometimes an activity, a person, or an environment can make us feel particularly uneasy. Create a list of what these triggers may be for you, then, write about how you can create boundaries around each of them. Where do you have room to say ‘no’? Where can you create more space for self-care?

3. Reflect on 5 spaces, people, activities, objects or places that bring you ease.

Make a list of 5 things that make you feel at ease, then write about how you can incorporate them more deeply into your life.

Taren Grewall