5 Journaling Prompts for Self Love


Too often, we think of compassion as an external action: something that we express to everyone but ourselves. Here are 5 simple prompts to help you practice compassion for yourself today:

What is something that you need to forgive yourself for? 

What have you been holding on to for too long? Write about what you can do to begin to move forward.

How would your loved ones describe you?

Very often, we can be our own toughest critics. Put yourself in your loved ones shoes, and try to see yourself from their point of view instead. What would they say that they love about you? How do you make others feel?

What brings you peace? How can you add more to your life?

Create a short list of 3-5 things that make you feel at peace (eg. meditation, reading, spending time with loved ones, etc), then decide how you can make more room in your life for each of them.

What boundaries do you need to establish in your life?

One of the biggest acts of self-care is allowing yourself to say ‘no’. Where in your life are you stretching yourself too thin? Which people in your life have you burning the candle at both ends? Reflect on the parts of your life where you may need to draw a line, and write about what you can do to make it happen.

What would your younger self be proud of you for today?

Where have you travelled? Who have you met? What have you accomplished? What have you learned? Write about what your younger self would be proud and surprised to hear about your life today.

Taren Grewall